Semper Victus connects consulting expertise with industry to create secure, resilient, and performant deliverables for mission-critical environments.
Healthcare environments providing direct care or indirect treatment to patients cannot suffer breach or downtime without risk to patient health. Semper Victus designs and implementation account for the pillars of HIPAA requirements while meeting business objectives. We have helped hospitals, pharmaceutical and medical device firms, and residential care facilities expand their services and harden posture. Connected healthcare does not mean exposed patients.
Many financial services organizations operate under strict regulatory constraints and technical obligations to meet auditing requirements. Some bear the brunt of state-level offensive operations, all suffer some level of attack. Semper Victus and our partners in the industry have built numerous defensive, informational, and operational systems within these regulatory constraints; some of which have been performing attribution of malicious actors for the better part of the last decade.
Many people and organizations choose to put themselves into harm's way in the name of aiding others through direct assistance or security. The technology upon which they rely should not be yet another avenue by which they are attacked. Ground experience and knowledge of what it means on to rely on something for one's life informs our designs for these outside-the-box use cases and drives our obsessive implementations.